A Note Regarding EMJC Events and Services

Friends, As you know, we made a decision last Thursday to close the synagogue to indoor EMJC-sponsored events and services. This was in response to the exponential rise in COVID cases over the past week and our concerns around the Omicron variant. Since then, the Health and Safety Committee has met, … READ MORE

Proof of Vaccination Required for All Synagogue-Sponsored Events

PROOF OF FULL VACCINATION IS NOW REQUIRED FOR ALL SYNAGOGUE SPONSORED EVENTS AT EMJC For the safety of our congregation, proof of full vaccination is now required for all synagogue sponsored events at EMJC, including Shabbat services in the sanctuary and Shabbat kiddushim. Masks will still be required, except for eating … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 12.17.21

December 17, 2021   If you’re a fan of cinematic ancient Roman blockbusters, you might have seen Ridley Scott’s Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe. The movie opens with a battle scene; the aged emperor Marcus Aurelius oversees one last battle, against the Germanic horde, that will consolidate his empire and the … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 12.10.21

December 10, 2021 I’d like to use this space today to announce and advertise a Zoom class that I’ll be teaching starting in January. Beginning on Wednesday, January 5th, I’ll be running another class in haftarah chanting. For those who are not altogether familiar with the term, the haftarah is … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 12.5.21

December 4, 2021 I originally wrote this as my Friday message, but my editor (Audrey) said it needed some revisions. Time was limited and I was unable to get it to the publisher (Cara) in time, but I wanted to share a brief Hanukkah message with you all, so here … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 11.19.21

Nov. 18, 2021   Friends,   Just a quick note this week to inform you of a wonderful program that we are co-sponsoring tomorrow night (Saturday night) at 8:00 PM (Zoom). We began a conversation last year about race in America and the position of the Jewish community in that … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 11.5.21

November 5, 2021 The Eile Ezkerah, or the “Martyrology” that is recited on Yom Kippur tells, in poetic form, the horrific torture and execution by the Romans of 10 great rabbinic sages. Though the account is quasi-historical, it does reflect the genocidal treatment of the Jews of Judaea at the … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.22.21

October 22, 2021 In this message: Message from the rabbi NEW FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICE TIMES!! 5:45 pm Thursday morning parasha class Steven Drachman’s book talk and recommendations I stumbled upon a story this week (from a dubious source, admittedly) about a photo that went viral of an Israeli soldier who … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.15.2021

In this email: A message from Rabbi Sam Levine Two messages from Hannah Senesh Community Day School Acosta Molina update, PHOTOS October 15, 2021 I had an interesting experience two shabbatot ago. I took a weekend off from EMJC and was able to attend the bat mitzvah of the daughter … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.8.21

In a d’var Torah on this week’s parasha, my teacher Rabbi Jeff Segelman, Rabbi Emeritus of the Westchester Jewish Center, introduced me to the idea of “ah tzaddik in peltz,” a “righteous person in a fur coat.” The term was coined by the great Chassidic master, the Kotzker Rebbe, who … READ MORE