A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 4.2.20

Apr. 3, 2020   Dear Friends,   By this time the reality of home confinement has begun to settle in.  In this hour of crisis, we have all begun to accept with resignation the changes that have been forced upon us as individuals and as families.  As a community, we … READ MORE

Passover information from the Rabbinical Assembly

Friends, You may find this guide helpful.  It is called: Kashrut Subcommittee Recommendations for Passover 5780 in Light of COVID-19 I am including the link here: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/story/kashrut-subcommittee-recommendations-passover-5780-light-covid-19 Or if you prefer, the full text of the document is below. Also, look for information about selling chametz in an email tomorrow. … READ MORE

A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 3.26.20

Thursday, March 26 Friends, First of all, an important public service announcement: As happens in times of crisis, unscrupulous people are taking advantage of the Coronavirus health crisis to run scams on unsuspecting people.  Please beware (and be aware!) of scams and scammers – DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION … READ MORE

An Important Message from President Michael F. Schwartz 3.16.20

Dear Members: As you know we have a special meeting of the membership scheduled for this Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. at our synagogue.  Unfortunately, we cannot adjourn this meeting.  However, with our concern over our present coronavirus threat to our health and well being we have diligently attempted to distribute … READ MORE

An Important Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 3.16.20

Dear Friends, A few check-in items…  Here’s what you’ll find in this letter: Coronavirus hygiene and social separation reminder Update on Shabbat and other services, and sayingkaddish Calling all members and other volunteer opportunities Online services, programming, classes, etc. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH OF THIS LETTER, BUT IT IS … READ MORE

An Important Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 3.12.20

Friends, The Coronavirus situation is evolving at such a speed that we are constantly reevaluating our response. As of this morning, we are making the following announcement: Starting today, and until further notice, EMJC’s doors will be CLOSED FOR RELIGIOUS SERVICES, SYNAGOGUE CLASSES, AND CULTURAL EVENTS. DO NOT COME TO … READ MORE

A Weekly Note from Rabbi Sam Levine 2.27.20

At the opening of this week’s parasha, God says, Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves him (25:2).   God then lays out to Moses very detailed instructions regarding the building of the Mishkan / tabernacle and … READ MORE

A Weekly Note from Rabbi Sam Levine 2.20.20

And so the real work begins…  Having heard the Ten Utterances (the “Ten Commandments” that we read last Shabbat), having experienced the revelation at Sinai, having received the “first installment” of the Torah, one might think that it would be time to celebrate and to recover. But instead, the parasha … READ MORE