Another Gala Gala

Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the success of the East Midwood Jewish Center’s 95th Annual Gala.  This year, we honored Ushers Arthur Geen, Steve Finkelstein, Joel Hochstein, Marlene Krafchik and Harvey Lubowitz.

We had a Triple Play of Rabbinical comments by Rabbi Emeritus Alvin Kass, Rabbi Matt Carl and Rabbi Cantor Sam Levine.  Susan Geen followed with comments about Arthur and their family.

I had a tough act to follow! My comments were brief, and lighthearted. We acknowledged the Usher’s each week, through the years for the tireless work of keeping services on schedule, assigning honors. Do you know the “behind the scenes” work? There is a periodic requirement to roll the Torahs to the proper parsha for Rosh Chodesh and holidays.  Along with Rabbi Cantor Sam, this is accomplished after services for the next reading.

Roz Pomerantz’s song, sung by Cantor Sam, were, as usual well – crafted and clever. Sadly, this was Roz’s last composition.  How lucky we are to have her legacy.

We had a new caterer, Zami who made certain the cocktail hour, dinner, and dessert was plentiful and delicious. There were a few glitches, being their first large event at EMJC. 

Ben Lapidus played guitar during the cocktail hour. Music by Jack Bashkow played traditional Hora and dance music throughout the evening. All who attended would agree that we had a terrific time at the Gala!

     Thank you to all the Journal Ad sponsors and vendor ads who made this event a financial success, exceeding previous years!

     Thank you to Rabbi Emeritus Alvin Kass, Rabbi Matt Carl and Rabbi Cantor Sam Levine for their remarks about the Ushers.

     Thank you to Michael Schwartz for continuing support and guidance.

     Thank you to Cara Bedick for exceptional work compiling the Journal.

     Thank you to Shirley Strauss for managing the daunting task of table assignments.

     Thank you to the office staff, Wayne, interns and the maintenance staff for all their work.

     Thank you to Sisterhood for the generous contribution to East Midwood.

–Ruth Shapiro and Ed Guterman, Gala Co-Chairs