Welcome to East Midwood Jewish Center

Welcome to East Midwood Jewish Center

A message from co-presidents Randy Grossman and Toby Sanchez   Welcome to our new website, which will give you a quick tour of the many religious, social and children’s programs going on at East Midwood Jewish Center. You will meet our staff: Rabbi Alvin Kass, Cantor Sam Levine, Education Director … READ MORE

Sisterhood Ends the Year on a High Note

As usual, May is a busy month for East Midwood’s Sisterhood. This year, the ever-exciting Loyalty Dinner honored Stephanie Kaner and Debbie Schechtman. Both are active members of Sisterhood and East Midwood Jewish Center itself. Once again, Ricky Pen provided a lively and entertaining program, encouraging one and all to … READ MORE

Message from Co-President Toby Sanchez

It is an honor to be elected as co-president of EMJC with Randy Grossman for the next two years, but it is a serious challenge. Randy and I are now running a million-dollar corporation, located in an 89-year-old building which has numerous problems. Buildings age just as people do, and … READ MORE

Message From Co-President Randy Grossman

As new co-presidents, Toby Sanchez and I have many people to thank for this honor. First, the Nominating Committee for thinking outside the box to imagine Toby and me as Co-Presidents, and you the congregation for being willing to give us your confidence by voting for us. We owe a … READ MORE

The Story of the Senior Citizens League of Flatbush

Thirteen years ago in the year 2000, when the Senior Citizens League of Flatbush asked permission to rent space at East Midwood Jewish Center for an extensive senior program, there was much opposition to the idea. How times have changed! Dr. Honigman thought having a senior citizen center was not … READ MORE

Valuable Genealogy Source Discovered in EMJC Archives

EMJC has a long history and a large volume of records. These are gradually being collected, arranged and described. Eventually they will be available for research by EMJC members and anyone interested in New York City and American Jewish history. In the meantime, one very interesting set of genealogical records … READ MORE

Sisterhood This Spring

As the year winds down, Sisterhood goes into full swing with special events. We run the gamut from the joy of Israeli dancing to the sadness of Dachau. On Sunday morning, March 17th, a small group of hearty souls woke up early and came to EMJC for a dance lesson … READ MORE