Somehow, it’s the middle of June. There has been much to keep our minds occupied lately. We are especially grateful to be reminded that there are things to celebrate, that life is full of small joys. Tomorrow, Eve Becker will courageously stand up in front of her community, on Zoom, … READ MORE
Author: admin
East Midwood Jewish Center Statement on the Killing of George Floyd
For non-black Americans, the murder of George Floyd has brought to national and international attention the second-class citizen status of black Americans in the United States. It would be impossible to list the number of black Americans who have been targeted by police, by racist vigilantes, and by non-black citizens … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 6.4.2020
This spring, I have been taking a class at the Academy for Jewish Religion with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser, the Academic Dean of the seminary. The class is called Disturbing Biblical Texts. It does a deep dive into some of the more troubling texts of the Hebrew Bible in an effort to … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 5.29.2020
Each of the Three Festivals on the Jewish calendar has an agricultural connection. Passover, a spring holiday, was associated with the barley harvest, the “first fruits” to be gathered. Sukkot celebrates the end of the harvest, and hence the agricultural year, in the Land of Israel. And Shavu’ot is a … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 5.22.2020
In this edition: 1. A note from the rabbi 2. Groceries available for those in need 3. Mental Health support from the Jewish Board 4. Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day – today!) videos 5. Julia Ostrov musical video 6. You are a Wonder – Musical preview of my Shabbat sermon Like all three … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 5.14.2020
“Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul – And sings the tune without the words – And never stops – at all – And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard – And sore must be the storm – That could abash the little … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 5.7.2020
When the archives of the Coronavirus era are opened, future generations will find a mass of information. News reports, medical updates, accounts of leadership failures and successes, economic analyses, the slow-motion unfolding of massive, lasting social change. But above all, they will find stories. Millions and millions of stories. Stories of heroism on … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 4.30.20
5.1.2020 This entry contains: Some words from Rabbi Sam The Week at EMJC in Review A few words about Ben Schaeffer Details about Yom Ha’atzma’ut programming this Sunday I heard my esteemed teacher, Dr. Yakir Englander, tell a story this week about his father. Yakir comes from a Chassidic (Vizhnitzer) … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 4.23.20
Apr 23, 2020 Go, my people, enter your chambers, And lock your doors behind you. Hide but a little moment, Until the indignation passes. – Isaiah 26:20 Yehudit Berman pointed this verse out to me a couple of weeks ago. I’ve had it on my desktop since then, and it’s … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 4.17.20
Dear friends, Now that this most unusual Passover is behind us, we settle into counting the days to Shavuot. As I spoke about over the first days of Pesach, the counting has additional meaning this year – we’re counting toward the next holiday – z’man matan torateinu/the time of the … READ MORE