Friends, With Rosh Hashana beginning two weeks from tonight, I’d like to fill you in on some important information regarding the holidays. As I’m sure everyone is aware, we will be conducting all High Holy Day services online. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the main services will be somewhat abbreviated this … READ MORE
Author: admin
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 8.20.2020
Friends, The month of Elul, which begins tonight and will end with Rosh Hashanah, is meant to be a month of intense introspection during which we are asked to grapple with the complex themes of the High Holy Days. It is a time for “getting right with God” and also with … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 8.6.2020
Yesterday, we celebrated the minor Jewish holiday of Tu b’Av – “the 15th of the month of Av.” Tu b’Av is celebrated in Israel as a kind of Valentine’s Day, based upon a passage from the Mishna (Ta’anit 4:8). On this day of great joy, “…the daughters of Jerusalem would come out and dance in … READ MORE
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A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 7.23.2020
The Talmud famously relates that Jerusalem was destroyed due to sinat chinam – baseless hatred: “There was a certain man whose friend was named Kamtza and whose enemy was named bar Kamtza. He once made a large feast and said to his servant: Go bring me my friend Kamtza. The servant went and mistakenly … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 7.9.2020
Summer officially began on June 20th, but I always associate the July 4th weekend with the beginning of summer. The last couple of weeks of June are occupied with wrapping up the business of the academic/school year – there are graduations, getting kids off to sleep-away camp, and looking forward to some … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 6.26.2020
This summer is shaping up to be the strangest summer most of us have ever spent. Many of us continue to heed the warnings of health-care professionals with regard to social distancing, mask-wearing, and self-isolation. Others, however, here in New York and across the country, are ready to move on, … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 6.18.2020
Hard to believe, but the High Holidays are just around the corner. A committee was put together to discuss our plans for the holidays, and we met this past Monday night to begin the discussion. The big announcement is that we will not be holding High Holiday services in person … READ MORE
EMJC Rabbi Sam Levine’s Sermon June 13, 2020
Sermon June 13, 2020 Shabbat Beha’alotecha You may have seen, earlier this week, the statement that the synagogue released on the death of George Floyd. We were a little late to the game, but there were queries from some quarters about why we had not released a statement. I felt … READ MORE
A Letter from EMJC President Michael F. Schwartz
Dear Members: I am writing this letter to you reflecting on the recent events involving George Floyd. That 8 minute and 46 second video ranks among the most indelible images of violence and injustice – and will forever be impressed in our minds and psyches. I was a young man … READ MORE