With Coronavirus cases spiking across the country, I once again have our first responders very much in mind. As Covid fatigue continues to congeal, the springtime practice of lauding our medical workers every night at 7pm has largely fallen by the wayside, but the troops of doctors, nurses, and medical … READ MORE
Author: admin
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 11.19.2020
Unsettled. That seems to be the operative word right now. We feel unsettled. President-Elect Biden has won the election, but for the first time in our history the current president refuses to acknowledge his victory and concede. Does this flagrant violation of norms endanger us? Almost certainly. What damage, in … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 11.12.2020
As I write this, there are still a few hours left of Veterans Day. I have a deep appreciation, a reverence, even, for veterans. The election last week and all the subsequent shenanigans – indeed, so much of what has transpired over the last 4 years – has put into stark relief … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 11.5.2020
We are living through history. As I write this, what has been perhaps the most contentious election in modern American history remains inconclusive. Yesterday, Wednesday, I was on the Upper East Side at the 24-hour Apple Store on 5th Avenue. At the entrance, I was told they were closing at … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.29.2020
Parashat Lech Lecha In a midrash from Genesis Rabbah (39:9), the sages make an interesting observation. Rabbi Levi notes that the unusual term lech lecha / “Go forth,” which gives this week’s parasha its name, actually appears twice in the Abraham stories: once this week (lech lecha m’artzecha / “Go forth from your native land”), and then again next … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.22.2020
The presidential election is less than two weeks away. Most Americans who are paying attention (believe it or not, not everyone is) are on pins and needles – what will be the outcome? Will there be a peaceful transfer of power? Can we be sure that extremists will not provoke … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.8.2020
Dear friends, The sages tell us that the gates of heaven do not fully close at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. Some say we have until Hoshana Rabbah (this Friday) to wish each other a “g’mar tov” (a “good finish”), some say Shmini Atzeret (Saturday) and some even say you have until … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 10.1.2020
Dear friends, What an incredible Holy Day season this has been. Last year, or even just this past February, who could have imagined that we would be meeting for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services on Zoom and YouTube Live? And that, somehow, it would all work out ok? We all … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 9.17.2020
Dear friends, We are only hours from Rosh Hashana. In a year unlike any other, we are all trying to make sense of our reality. Grieving for what we are missing, celebrating the things we have, and finding meaning in the chaos around us are all intertwined this year in a way … READ MORE
A Weekly Message from Rabbi Sam Levine 9.10.2020
Friends, On Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 – 10:30 pm, we will be joining together with other communities in S’lichot Across Brooklyn. The service will feature contributions from the rabbis and cantors of fourteen synagogues and organizations. You can request the Zoom link here: https://cbebk.shulcloud.com/hhds/s’lichot5780 Rabbi Sam Levine